
Get visual usage insights to make the best decisions for your marketing strategies and future product development.

All with a simple update from StreamSDK.

Your Benefits

Identify which of your services are the most popular.

Know how many of your customers actively use your devices.

Active devices
StreamAnalytics the audio device analytics tool: Active devices

Know the total amount of devices in the field

Total devices

Know how your devices connect to the Internet. 

StreamAnalytics the audio device analytics tool: devices connection type.

Track the strength of your customer's WiFi signal.

StreamAnalytics the audio device analytics tool: WiFi signal strength.

Know what firmware they use.

StreamAnalytics the audio device analytics tool: Firmware versions.

Analyze your users volume preferences.

StreamAnalytics the audio device analytics tool: users volume preferences.

Analyze device uptime trends.

StreamAnalytics the audio device analytics tool: devices average uptime.

Much more is on the way!

Benefits from StreamAnalytics

Use It in

Our Solutions

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